Wednesday, July 8, 2009

To All My Friends

I've created another blog not for me, but for all.
Whoever wish or really want to be part of this Dark Side lemme know...
I'll give you the password so you can manage this blog too and post whatever you want,err...i mean not "that" everything occay.

you can call whatever you want, emo side,meroyan side or room that you can post anything about your dark side or so called, "luahan perasaan".

Make this blog as your own guys...



  1. can this be an official blog to redmoney-ian. ehehhehe. we talk about our bosses.

  2. yep, as you wish Nicky...whatever you wanted to say.Even Prem nak promote persatuan penduduk bangsar also can...hahahahaa

  3. talk bout bosses....not her nickie....even d blog has ears,eyes,nose,mouth and gender!! trouble please...u'll got lunch time to bitch...

    Anyway why this blog is so Dark one.....Jar r u gona commit suicide soon??

  4. ngeh... ya i tot so. nanti ada orang kepochi. cannot cannot.

  5. Deyy...i'm not inviting "hantu" or bosses informer...for those who received my email then can ask me the ID, so i give you...then you guys post whatever you want la...bitching kaa,football kaa,MP kaa,apa apa laaa...

  6. who receive ur mail weh? cannot track la.

    its not dark enough la ini mcm. ahahahha

  7. what ID??....mintak satu....

  8. mereka2 yg selalu berblogging je la,indie,decob,charlie....ralphy...
    errr.....ko nak tak ID nih?Deepa dah mintak, satgi die post la yg pertama tuh...ehheh.

  9. this is the first blog layout i used for my current blog! haha.

    yeayy ada blog sendiri. then aku dah ciao nanti senang la nak stay connected with you guys. whee~

    btw, nak set the blog to private? tapi org selain invited guests je la bleh baca.

  10. hmmm...ntah,tanya dorang.nak private or nak the whole world baca jugak?:D

    or nak add small column kat IFN?tududu....

  11. why is your profile saying you like young boys and indran wei?

  12. ya lol its better to set private, baru lah those with the big mouth x find out. ngeh

  13. yaaaa. apa lagi jarr. set la private hehe.

  14. one naive question, how to set private?:D

    dont laugh....warning.

  15. kahkahkah...bagi aku gelak dulu jarr.. set private pn x reti...


komen ja. jarr xkan delete punya. ada aku kesah? cak cak